Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to Make Happy Mail Envelopes

Part of the fun of receiving Happy Mail, is having a bright colorful decorated envelope in your mailbox.
Much better than plain old bills. You can decorate a regular envelope with paint, stamps and stickers.
Or you could make your own envelopes out of  cardstock or painted papers.
Here's a tutorial: Make-an-Envelope

There are envelope templates on the market, such as this one: Envelope Template.

What I love to use is my Envelope Bunch Board, it's easy peasy to make all different sizes of envelopes.

All the measurements are on the board, you just turn, punch and score the card stock.

                                         Turn punch and score on the marked line.

                                          Fold and glue three sides.

                                          And voila, you've made an envelope!

Here are some envelopes I made out of printer paper and deli wrap on my Gelli plate.

I'll show you how to use the Gelli plate in a future post.

Make someone's day happy,